August 30, 2009


Nothing fantastic picture of the day
Havent been out much. Just been busy with Uni assignments and endless group meeting
Daddy's flying off back to KL tmw. :( and mummy's flying on saturday. I wanna cryyyyy.! No more ppl to nag me or do my laundry or cook for me....Sobs! Welcome back to fast food and no love food. Sobs...2 more months till I can go home to KL. 1 month has passed sooo slow I kenot take it. I hope it passed sooner and I hope this semester will be smooth salling till the end. And when november comes. Its almost near to my fren's wedding...weeee and then we are gonna have a major reunion with booze fun and laughter..haha...Cant wait...

On the other hand...wig night is coming soon and we still have not find any cheap nice wig to wear for the event...Gosh and also the next day mummy's flying off...Im stuck now dunno shud I go onot. Maybe if I go it will be just awhile I guess. Haih.

Anyways sorry for not updating much lately. Been too busy and nothing to shout about my boring assignment life at the moment.

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