April 13, 2009

Life drawing is not that bad after all.........

Easter holiday is here...........bt good friday and easter day just came and gone like the wind and its already MONDAY! Heck soon uni starts and the hectic life comes all over again. Just to think about it I couldnt breath sial. So anyways, mum's going back to kl today and already Im missing her. :( It will be another 2 months b4 i see my mum and my dad.....waaaaa......its like coming to melb and being lonely all over again.....Sam this is not the 1st time your here so get control of urself!!!

Anyways....I want to share with you some of my personal things here. About 3 weeks ago I had a life drawing class which I have to attend as part of the 15% mark that will be given in my design communication class. So we had 1 session. One was a FAT old women, another was a so called FIT old man. Myself, wk and aileen were talking about how its gonna be damn fucking hillarious and yucky to see old women naked and things like that. The day itself when we arrived, we were hopping it was someone at least pretty and not FAT.

While we were pinning up the papers on our easel's (okay i dunno how to spell that shit where its like a stand and u put ur paper there to draw), suddenly came this women who i think is about 50-60years old, very sustainable liked and well yes FAT. Straight away I stare at wk and said...." dun tell me is her ah" and aileen already started saying " aku tak mau lukis dia la". And knowing me, Im already laughing my arse off behind the tall easel's that covers me. So there she comes with a robe and sat in the middle of the class room where there is a bed covered with silk kain thingy. Than our tutor brief us on what we have to do and for 5 mins we have to roughly sketch her. So the moment she buka.....everyone was trying very hard not to say or laugh but just concerntrate.

At 1st I thought I will keep laughing and maybe kena chased out bt when you actually start to concerntrate on what to draw and take consideration into everything, you start to not see those private areas as something malu or something to laugh about. But anyways after that lesson, drawing fat people is important for this life drawing because if they put Giselle Bunchan in it sure die wan....all you need is to draw that VOLUME hair and one line representing her figure...."kaotim sao kong!"..correct? Fat people is good because there's alot of layer and texture and different shadow exposure and lighting exposure around them that you can draw onto your paper. So thats something new Ive learned.

2nd time of life drawing was a man aged I think about 50 years old. NOT FAT but FIT and one thing that struck my mind was......" I dont dare see his dick laaaaa".....I keep laughin again and tell wk that I cant bare to do it!!!.....Its sooo disgusting but than again I told wk that " first time can see ang mo dick in real life" than wk said " what if you leave a space to draw the dick than when you wanna actually draw it than you see how come size and space you put earlier not enuff wan ah....padahal actually he dick stand!" wahahahahahahaahahahahaha lagi I wanna laugh very very LOUD.... So then the real thing start and I couldnt help but to stare....its sooo fucking huge....Than I told wk and aileen..." walao if he fuck asian sure habis wan....koyak the va-jay jay". The whole time aileen draw, she didnt drew his thing because she said she couldnt bare to bring herself to look at it and draw.....wahahahahahaha....damn funny....But I seriously like life drawings,......Its sooo relaxing and I couldnt belief I can draw humans that way//.....I cant even draw for fucks wei.....Everyone concluded I draw the men very cubism...haha.....

Enuff talking...here's the proof......................

So apa macam? My men look young right from my drawing but its not okay...it an OLD man....haha...



Chess Gal said...


wow you can sure draw very well!! Very very nice!! do they teach you how to draw human in architecture school? Or you already have the talent??? Sial man.. my drawing like budak tadika.

SayangSam said...

nope they din teach anything...all i knew was i went there set up my paper and the tutor blah some nonsense and terus the person strip and we started drawing...so i drew what i saw lor...i also din know looks nice until in d end of d class...haha